Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Long Live the Prohibition Ball! Award nominees - voting open!

The Nominees are out for the Ball Awards!

You have until the 27th of October (next Thursday) to place your votes. Please email your selections to:

Please note you can only vote once!

(for the best show at an afterparty)

1. Billy Kelleher, for collapsing in the fridge at the NTH afterparty
2. Dom Westcott, for the 'Sex, Drugs, Rock'n'Roll' afterparty where he wrote the 24hr play
3. Ella Di Marco, for every afterparty
4. Ella Quinn, for every afterparty
5. James Moloney, for the NTH afterparty
6. Ryan Smith, for the door that wouldn't open at the NTH afterparty

(for an actor in a non-speaking role)

1. Amira Kingham for 'The Car Cemetery'
2. Ella Quinn for Cabaret
3. Tom Shakespeare for Short Works

(for the saddest moment)

1. Ally White for her Short Flick 'Oblivion'
2. Bianca Lyndon for 'Once upon a Time' in Short Works
3. Jess Wylie for 'The Victim' in Short Works
4. Milly Hattam for 'The Most Massive Woman Wins'
5. Tatiana Angulo Vera for her monologue in Blindness
6. Tracey Hare for "You're my Heart" in 'A Lie of the Mind'

(for destroying the set)

1. Bianca Lyndon for the Short Works set
2. Jacob Pruden for the Removalists set
3. Michelle Coleman for breaking the baby's head in 'The Car Cemetery'
4. Sebastian Fuentes for breaking the wall of NTH Studio 2

(for cross-dressing)

1. Ashleigh Butler for 'The Car Cemetery'
2. Billy Kelleher for 'Sex, Drugs, Rock'n'Roll'
3. Bob Pavlich for 'Henry IV'
4. Greg Baker for 'The Chapel Perilous'
5. Ryan Smith for Cabaret
6. Tim Merritt for Cabaret

(for the biggest badass)

1. Anthony Ziella for 'Suburban Scarface' in Short Flicks
2. Billy Kelleher, James Moloney, Leo Milesi and Shane Palmer for 'A Clockwork Orange'
3. Daniel Russo for 'Sex, Drugs, Rock'n'Roll'
4. Kurt Mottershead for 'The Removalists'
5. Leo Thompson for 'The Chapel Perilous'
6. Michael Liparota for 'Soft Targets' in Short Flicks
7. Sakuna McArthur for 'Don't Forget to Breathe'
8. Sophie Petridis for 'The Chapel Perilous'
9. Troy Sterling for 'Blindness'

Happy Voting!

The Player - October Edition!

The October Edition of The Player has landed! Brought to you by our Junior Editor Ana Boado, we hope you enjoy this issue cover to cover!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October Madness, Books and Music...

Hello Guys and Dolls,

Welcome back FASTies to Melbourne! Brisbane was beautiful and I hope that those of you who didn't make it up with us this time, come next year =)

October is shaping up to be one of this busiest months of the year! Next Monday the 10th of October, the filmmakers of La Trobe have their night! At ACMI Cinemas at 8pm Short Flicks premieres! To purchase tickets please go to the ACMI website or you can buy your tickets at the door on the night (if you plan to do this, please arrive early to collect them!)

Next Tuesday the 11th signifies the start of the October Season. This year 'A Lie of the Mind' and 'Closer' are on offer in the Studio. It is recommended that you book tickets in advance as the Studio has only limited seating. Call the office on 9479 1198 or email me to book your seats.

The lovely Becca Nayagam is raising funds for the charity she founded, Novels for Nepal. Novels for Nepal is a non-profit project which aims to raise money to build and stock a library for the Maha Buddha Lower Secondary School in the village of Yalbang in northern Nepal.

This time teaming with Roc'Um ( Melbourne Uni's musical theatre company specialising in rock opera musicals ) who will be belting their hearts out to help Novels for Nepal reach its imminent goal. For the price of only 15 dollars, you will be able to enjoy some marvelous live entertainment in a chilled out setting with cheap drinks available. All for a good cause!!

Please RSVP to any one of these lovely ladies:
Becca - 0433535891
Yen -0432075736
Tasha -0422279133

The LaTUCS Choral Society is performing a concert on Friday the 21st of October and are in need of some musicial help. They need a drummer, a bass player and a pianist to accompany them for the song 'The Creation' by Bobrowitz and Porter. You can find a sample recording of the song here:

If you interested in helping out, give me a call in the office or email Nathan Mackie on:

Finally it's that time of year again! The Long Live The Prohibition Ball is on Friday the 28th of October at 7.30pm in The Playroom. Tickets cost $30 if you pre-purchase them through the Student Theatre and Film office, or $35 at the door if there are any remaining. Due to the relatively small size of The Playroom, there is a LIMITED number of tickets available. If you absolutely cannot face the end of the Student Theatre year without one final dress-up and dance-till-your-clothes-drop-off, then it is very muchly recommended that you pop by the office and buy your tickets sooner rather than later!

Till then, be good and I hope you're all having a lovely afternoon!
